There's no place like home
Safe, calm, respectful quality midwifery careWhen you learn you’re pregnant, the first step is choosing your desired birthing environment and provider which best fits both the needs of you and your baby.
Dorothy said it best, can i buy gabapentin in spain “There’s no place like home!” It’s where we feel safest in our most vulnerable moments. Home Birth Midwifery care provides the safety of a trained birth team in just the right environment to allow the beauty and transformative power of birth to reach its full potential. Birthing where you feel most safe, calm and confident allows the natural birth process to unfold with the skillful and compassionate care of professional midwives.
Standard Prenatal Visit Schedule
<30 weeks
Once a month
30-36 weeks
>37 weeks
Weekly or more until birth
What to Expect in Pregnancy
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13, NLT)
Intake Visit
Prenatal Appointment
Kick off 36 week Home Visit
What to Expect at Your Birth
“Birth is an opportunity to transcend. To rise above what we are accustomed to, reach deeper inside ourselves than we are familiar with, and to see not only what we are truly made of, but the strength we can access in and through birth.” — Marcie Macari
Contacting Your Midwife
Labor Day and Birth
Immediate Postpartum
What to Expect after Baby Arrives
“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers — strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.” — Barbara Katz Rothman
Postpartum Appointment
Birther’s Experience
Baby’s Experience
On day 1, we’ll check vitals, listening to their heart rate, lungs clarity and respiration, and temperature. We’ll evaluate their full body for any notable changes, voided diapers, feeding and more. We can answer any questions and help with breastfeeding. We’ll also complete that oh-so-cute footprint certificate.
On day 3, we’ll additionally weigh your little one and conduct the Newborn Metabolic Screening mandated by the state.
On day 7, we’ll help you schedule a future pediatrician visit, provide full documentation of our care for your newborn, and give you information for scheduling a Newborn Hearing Screen at a local clinic once you are ready to venture into the world with your sweet baby. We’ll also complete the real birth certificate paperwork for you to present to your local Town / City Hall.
Week 3, we continue standard follow up of vitals, breastfeeding and weight gain.
On week 6, I’ll do a complete set of vitals and weight check, answer any additional questions you or your partner may have and discuss ways our relationship can grow even though your midwifery care is coming to an end.
Resources for Home Birth
Be in The Know →
Husband Coached Childbirth – Dr. Bradley
Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth – Ina May Gaskin
After the Baby is Born – Carl Jones
Hey Who’s Having This Baby Anyway? – Breck Hawk
Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn – Penny Simkin
The Birth Partner – Penny Simkin
Homebirth – Sheila Kitzinger
Special Delivery – Rahima Baldwin
A Good Birth, A Safe Birth – Diana Korte & Rebecca Scaer
Video: The Business of Being Born by Rikki Lake & Abby Epstein
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