There are several pathways to midwifery. Choosing the best midwife for you may mean considering a different birthing environment. CERTIFIED NURSE MIDWIVES (CNM) For those wanting a hospital environment for their birth, but a more balanced approach with expectant...
How to Help Your Toddler Prepare for a New Baby

How to Help Your Toddler Prepare for a New Baby

The excitement you feel over having a new baby soon is hard to deny. However, your toddler may not understand exactly what it means to welcome a new life into the home. As a result, you want to help ease your little one into this transition by using a few creative...
How Will Teething Affect Your Baby’s Sleep?

How Will Teething Affect Your Baby’s Sleep?

Teething is an exciting time when your baby starts growing up and forming his or her mouth. However, it can be an uncomfortable situation that affects the baby’s sleep and yours. Here’s how: It Causes Pain Dentists say the most prevalent of the signs of...